Travel Wellness Weight Loss (Physican Supervised)
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can feel like a challenge at times, especially when you’re already trying to balance everyday life. But when it comes to health and wellness, sometimes it’s the small and consistent changes that make the biggest impact. Check out these tips!
Travel Wellness Weight Loss Physician Supervised Tips
Begin your day with affirmations.
Tell yourself I am important and ( something unique to you).
Get some sunlight daily.
Whether you get outside for some exercise or to read a book in the sunshine, you should take at least 20 minutes a day to normalize your circadian rhythm.
Give your eyes a rest.
Eyes become easily strained when you’re constantly focused on your computer screen. Reduce the risk of tired eyes by looking away from your computer for at least 20 seconds in 20-minute intervals.
Get some alone time.
Spending time alone can be extremely beneficial for your mental health. Get to know yourself, figure out what you want and start living your most purposeful life. Make sure you get your annual health physical and see the dentist twice a year.
Make time for your friends and family.
Spending time with your friends and family may not seem like a top wellness tip but it is vital. Humans are social beings and rely on other humans to maintain their mental, emotional and physical help. Setting time aside to spend with your loved ones can help relieve stress, increase self-esteem and lead you to make more positive choices.
Take care of your skin.
Building a daily skin care routine can help you maintain overall skin health or improve concerns like acne, scarring or dark spots. Find a cleanser, serum, moisturizer and sunscreen and give your skin the love it deserves.
Limit blue light before bed.
The blue light emitted by your tech devices may be the cause of those restless nights. Put your phone or laptop away at least an hour before bed to set yourself up for a good night of sleep.
Manage your money.
Money worries are oftentimes a big source of stress for some people. Saving for the future, home mortgages and paying off loans—it all adds up. Create a priority list for yourself and determine a realistic budget to provide yourself some relief.
Practice gratitude.
Oftentimes, we tend to focus on what we’re lacking in life instead of focusing on the things that we do have. Start measuring your worth by your successes rather than your deficits by keeping track of the things that go well in your life.
Want more? Try this Wellness Quiz Below
Rate each question with a response 1 to 51 strongly disagree 2 disagree 3 Neutral4 Agree 5 Strongly AgreeScores for any section less than 12 may benefit from the recommendations listed below based on the section.
I eat a healthy diet low in processed foods- ___I do not snack, and I follow portion sizes, I stopped eating when I felt full and only eat when I’m hungry. - ___I use supplements to ensure my nutritional needs are met if I cannot eat them in my regular diet. - _____Total Score:______EXERCISEI am physically active with at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise or 1.5 hours of vigorous activity each week, my exercises include bone strengthening exercises. ____I do at least two days of muscle strengthening per week._____I give myself time to rest and be covered for activities, including gentle stretching, and I have no joint pains. _______SLEEPI’m getting enough sleep to feel rested every night and I am alert the next day. ______I know what are good sleep hygiene practices and I apply them. ______With a new smart supplementation to help days sleep is challenging. ________STRESSI know my main sources of stress and I have access to adequate resources to manage them. ______I have a self-care routine, which helps me to manage my stress. _______I know what supplements to use and I currently use these products to help me relax and manage my stress. ________SOCIAL CONNECTIVITYI am part of a community/or family who I regularly participate in activities with. ______I take time to spend with people in my community or in my family at least once a week. ______If I was to come down with the illness, I know who will be there to take care of me. _______SubstanceI do not smoke or take recreational drugs. ________I do not drink alcohol more than 1 drink a night for women or 2 drinks for men and I know what a standard drink is. _________I know where to get help to reduce my use of risky substances. _____
Please see the following instructions if you scored 11 or lower.
Be sure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Be sure to eat whole fresh food.If it doesn’t rot don’t eat it.Eat nuts and seeds or Greek yogurt for snacks.Take probiotics, and or eat fermented foods daily.Considered nutritional supplements when you cannot eat enough Whole Foods and the proper amounts on your own daily.
If you wish for more specific guidance. Follow this link and open an account
Go to the catalog, then select Favorites If you want a more personalized recommendation.
Then send an email to for additional assessments.
Exercises You should get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Or 90 minutes of vigorous per week. A quick way to tell if it’s moderate versus vigorous. Is the top test. If you are doing moderate-intensity exercise you’ll be able to have a conversation, but you will not be able to sing. If you are participating in the activity, you will not be able to have a conversation you will gasp for Air, in between words.You also need to do strength training in combination with bone-strengthening exercise, at least two days out of the week. These exercises should include upper-body-specific and lower body specific exercises. Bone strengthening activities are anything that involve weight-bearing like running, jogging, dancing, climbing, or brisk walking all the way to 3 to 4 mph. Finally, you need stretching daily ie 10 minutes of yoga daily .etc. if you find it, you have a lot of joint pain during or after exercise. Please consider these following supplement recommendations. As well as a consultation with your physician.
If you wish for more specific guidance. Follow this link and open an account Go to the catalog, then select Favorites If you want a more personalized recommendation. Then send an email to for additional assessments.
Sleep If you are not getting enough sleep, consider adding some supplements to help you to relax. Your goal is to get at least 7 to 9 hours sleep. And practice the basics of sleep hygiene.
If you wish for more specific guidance. Follow this link and open an account to the catalog, then select Favorites If you want a more personalized recommendation. Then send an email to for additional assessments.
Stress Improve stress management. Create a mindfulness routine. Be sure to get at least 20 minutes of sunlight daily. This can be done by sitting in wallet areas, areas with windows and just sucking up the sand. You do not have to go outside to achieve this.You need to have at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night. Also, you need to do daily meditation using deep breathing exercises. Basically, all you need to do is sit and calmly and take a deep breath slowly and release it. Do this repeatedly for at least five minutes or more daily, while you clear your mind simultaneously.
If you wish for more specific guidance. Follow this link and open an account to the catalog, then select Favorites If you want a more personalized recommendation. Then send an email to for additional assessments.
Social connectivityIf you feel you are not socially connected. You must make a effort to make social connections. Start by volunteering somewhere that you have an interest in such as a pet shelter. Or join a religious group of your faith that you are familiar with start a club or join a fitness group like a walking group or something like that.Allow yourself to be there for others. Take time to spend time for others. If you feel you need more community resources, try calling 211 from United Way.
Exercises You should get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Or 90 minutes of vigorous per week. A quick way to tell if it’s moderate versus vigorous. Is the top test. If you are doing moderate-intensity exercise you’ll be able to have a conversation, but you will not be able to sing. If you are participating in the activity, you will not be able to have a conversation you will gasp for Air, in between words.You also need to do strength training in combination with bone-strengthening exercise, at least two days out of the week. These exercises should include upper-body-specific and lower body specific exercises. Bone strengthening activities are anything that involve weight-bearing like running, jogging, dancing, climbing, or brisk walking all the way to 3 to 4 mph. Finally, you need stretching daily ie 10 minutes of yoga daily .etc. if you find it, you have a lot of joint pain during or after exercise. Please consider these following supplement recommendations. As well as a consultation with your physician.
If you wish for more specific guidance. Follow this link and open an account Go to the catalog, then select Favorites If you want a more personalized recommendation. Then send an email to for additional assessments.
Sleep If you are not getting enough sleep, consider adding some supplements to help you to relax. Your goal is to get at least 7 to 9 hours sleep. And practice the basics of sleep hygiene.
If you wish for more specific guidance. Follow this link and open an account to the catalog, then select Favorites If you want a more personalized recommendation. Then send an email to for additional assessments.
Stress Improve stress management. Create a mindfulness routine. Be sure to get at least 20 minutes of sunlight daily. This can be done by sitting in wallet areas, areas with windows and just sucking up the sand. You do not have to go outside to achieve this.You need to have at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night. Also, you need to do daily meditation using deep breathing exercises. Basically, all you need to do is sit and calmly and take a deep breath slowly and release it. Do this repeatedly for at least five minutes or more daily, while you clear your mind simultaneously.
If you wish for more specific guidance. Follow this link and open an account to the catalog, then select Favorites If you want a more personalized recommendation. Then send an email to for additional assessments.
Social connectivityIf you feel you are not socially connected. You must make a effort to make social connections. Start by volunteering somewhere that you have an interest in such as a pet shelter. Or join a religious group of your faith that you are familiar with start a club or join a fitness group like a walking group or something like that.Allow yourself to be there for others. Take time to spend time for others. If you feel you need more community resources, try calling 211 from United Way.
** This supplement should be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise program. Individual results are not guaranteed and results may vary**
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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By reviewing this website I acknowledge and agree that the Functional Medicine and Nutritional Program does not provide medical advice and is not a substitute for medical advice.I acknowledge and agree that it is solely my responsibility to obtain specific medical advice from a physician prior to, during and/or after the Functional Medicine and Nutritional Program especially if I am taking medication. I understand it is my sole responsibility to consult with a physician before changing my diet and lifestyle habits.I acknowledge and agree with the information provided and anything I learn duringthe Functional Medicine and Nutritional Program is not intended to diagnose any disease or condition or replace any prescribed treatment that I am currently undergoing. Rather, Travel Wellness Weight Loss Physician Supervised and its affiliates will provide education to enhance my knowledge of health as it relates to foods, dietary supplements, and lifestyle behaviors.I hereby release Travel Wellness Weight Loss Physician Supervised and its affiliates from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by Travel Wellness Weight Loss Physician Supervised and its affiliates and further agree that if, despite this release and waiver of liability I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against Travel Wellness Weight Loss Physician Supervised and its affiliates ,I will indemnify, save and hold harmless Travel Wellness Weight Loss Physician Supervised and its affiliates for litigation expenses, attorneys’ fees, losses, liability, damages, or costs which may be incurred as the result of such claim.